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Is a Crown Necessary for My Child’s Baby Tooth?

December 7th, 2022

Part of the charm of your child’s smile is those delicate, diminutive baby teeth. We enjoy those smiles while we can, because soon enough, primary teeth make way for the adult teeth that will last your child a lifetime. So you might be surprised if Dr. Jeffery Spilman and our team recommend a crown for…
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Sealants: What are they and how do they help?

November 30th, 2022

Molars are made up of canyons, caves, pits, and seemingly endless caverns that are a breeding ground for decay. The protective solution is a sealant. When done correctly, a sealant from Dr. Jeffery Spilman of Spilman Dentistry can be most effective in preventing cavities. A sealant is made up of composite (a plastic-like) material that…
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Root Cavities

November 23rd, 2022

When we don’t keep up with our dental hygiene, plaque buildup can result in three kinds of cavities. Pit and fissure cavities are found on the tops of molars, where food particles get stuck in the irregular surfaces. Smooth surface cavities are located on the smooth sides of teeth. Wait. Top, all around the sides—what’s…
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Improve your oral health with xylitol!

November 16th, 2022

Xylitol tastes sweet, but unlike sugar, it is not converted to acid that can cause your teeth to decay. It’s a naturally occurring sweetener found in plants, fruits, and vegetables; even the human body produces it in small amounts. Xylitol is widely used in sugar-free chewing gum, mints, candies, and even certain forms of medicine.…
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