March 9th, 2022
As adults, we often wish our teeth could be as white as they were when we were small children. Baby teeth have thinner and whiter enamel than adult teeth, and those brilliant smiles are a result! But occasionally, you may be surprised to discover some staining or discoloration on those lovely first teeth. You might…
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March 2nd, 2022
Capturing the Moment At Spilman Dentistry we know that just about anyone who has taken on the challenge of planning her own wedding could tell you how important the little details can be. Things like having complementary colors, the right location, show-stopping flowers, and delicious food are all a big part of planning your spring…
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February 23rd, 2022
You take a sip of soda – and someone remarks, “That’s going to ruin your teeth!” Is that true? Is sweet soda the enemy of a healthy smile? The answer, unfortunately, is that one glass might not hurt your teeth, but drinking soda regularly can do some real damage. Sodas are one of America’s favorite…
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February 16th, 2022
You’ve heard people tell you to say “cheese” when you’re having your picture taken, probably more times than you can count. There is another reason you should be saying “cheese” … or “YES” to eating cheese. Although Dr. Jeffery Spilman and our staff routinely encourage our patients to brush their teeth after eating, the one…
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