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Heading Off to College? Maybe It’s Time to Graduate to an Electric Toothbrush!

July 26th, 2023

Your trusty manual toothbrush has been with you from pre-school through high school—well, obviously not the same manual toothbrush, because that would be seriously unhygienic—but it’s the kind of toothbrush you’re used to and comfortable with. Now, though, you’re off to college, and your lifestyle will be changing. Late night study sessions complete with study…
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What do I do if I fall and loosen my teeth?

July 26th, 2023

Although teeth are strong enough to tear through food, they are also fragile. An accident such as a fall may loosen teeth or knock a tooth out entirely. When a child loses a baby tooth in this manner, no permanent damage is usually done. However, adults who loosen permanent teeth may need to visit our…
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Overall Health Can Be Influenced By Oral Hygiene

July 19th, 2023

Keeping on top of your oral health is key when it comes to making sure your whole body stays healthy. The bacteria that occur naturally in your mouth can produce harmful bacteria such as strep and staph, which can lead to serious infections and sickness. When you follow good dental habits like daily brushing and…
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Famous Dentists in History

July 19th, 2023

Every six months or so you head down to your local dentist for a teeth cleaning, but have you ever thought that your dentist could one day be famous? Well, the chances are unlikely, however, there have been a number of dentists throughout history that have achieved acclaim and celebrity coming from a profession that…
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